Monday, January 21, 2008

Collection of Sunsets

Okay, so if you noticed or did not notice, there was a break where I didn't post anything.. but it didn't mean that I wasn't snap happy.. Just didn't have time to put it up here. So here goes!

This one had some solar flare action going on.. sorta ufo looking..

I thought this was cool looking.

Here's more clouds.. It's amazing how different they can always look but still be clouds.

I got the moon in this one.. my camera phone lacks zoom.. but it's the moon, i swear!

I really like this pic. The tree really carved up the space.. reminds me of printmaking.

Big cloud catching the light and the shadow. Kind of looks like a pig, or something.. with an arm reaching out for something.. meh idk..

Some tree shadows casted from the sunset.

Another sunsetting.. makes you think of how fast time goes by.. how short our existence on this planet is..

It's getting pretty late.. close to 6pm here.. The creepies are coming out :O.. Dark clouds are so interesting against a lighter sky. When we were little kids didn't we color clouds white or light gray?.. Never dark blue and orange.

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