Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Playing with Video Cameras

The night starts innocently enough.. watching Jon eat a peanut butter jelly sandwich.

Then Jason comes in and brings in a video camera he found at work. He works at the airport. So we decided to figure out what was on the tape in there, hoping it was pr0n lol. This is what we got:

lol woah.. nah it was about 15 min. of this guy playing on his accordion with his fly open.. I guess it could count to pr0n to someone, I suppose..

Since that was lame and disappointing, we decided to play with the camera and video ourselves :P.

Jon's head is very small lol.

Now bottle is small..

Ahhh.. screw it.. Let's play Eyetoy.

Some retarded videos for your entertainment:

Jason doing his version of wacking the ninjas.

Anna Millers and Pr0n

blah.. ate at Anna Millers with Jon. Mmmm pies.... P:

I had a soup and salad :P.

Jon had banana pancakes. :D

Went to the pr0n store across the street.

And it's me!

Peace out!

Monday, May 5, 2008

An Unexpected Surprise

I got off work early since it was a waiver day for schools and since Jonathan had to work later than usual I had time to kill so I headed downtown and met up with friends. It was quite packed downtown since it was First Friday. There's a lot of art museums and entertainment happening all at once, as well as wine tasting and other bars packed with people.

This lady calls her art "Paint by Number".

We all carpooled in Herb's car to go get dinner. Bean thought it'd be funny to go in the trunk so we'd all fit in the car. Silly, silly.

Troy, who rarely drinks, had been drinking earlier downtown at Indigos before I got there. He was toasted and can't understand what the hell's happening. hah!

We went to Chowder House for dinner. Herb and Kim kickin' it.

Reuben looks like he's contemplating. Deep conversations happening at the table. (no, not really :P)

My beer for dinner came in the hugest goblet I've ever drank beer out of. I had to hold this heavy thing with two hands! (I'm drinking gordon biersch marzen..I liked it :)

After that, we all headed towards the movie theatre. They're all going to watch Iron Man. I didn't join them since I had used all the time I had and it was time for me to go home :) See you guys later!

On the road to Jake's

Gonna go to Jake's house and play video games with friends. But I won't go without first taking in some sights.

Unpopulated land, as far as I can see.. :)

Almost there. It's a little rainy but it's okay since that's perfect videogame weather.

Totally relaxing. I don't normally put my feet on the dash, but it's one of those times when it's so relaxed that it's okay. :)

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Go Fly A Kite

Went to the Patsy Mink Park. But this time we brought kites! yay! I must say it was extremely relaxing and just what my soul needed.

Care Bears! ♥

The wind was awesome. The kites were up in no time.

All there is to do now is to lie down and watch the kites fly up high so carefree.

Ahhh.. relaxing.

Roomie Bday party

Charles (my roommate) and Jonathan (my bf) had a joint bday party. yay!
Here's the cakes I made. Charles' cake was french vanilla.

Jon's was carrot cake. mmm P:


err.. lots of people

Jonathan and Nick (coworker)

Lol Charles

Nate's head O_O

Playing Rockband


Okay shots!

Sheri has her own method of drinking wine.

Okay! Doublefisting!

Jake's feeling the tequila.

Jake doing some drunken shirtless slap dancing:

Playing Drunken Darts. You can totally tell I'm getting wasted from this video. I like how I have a delayed reaction to everything.

Lol. They spilled some of their shot on the table so they lick it off the table. Hey, we told them not to waste alcohol!

The thing that killed Jake: (let's just say he wasn't dancing anymore, or standing for that matter..)

Late night/early morning poker. You guys go ahead.. I'm going to bed.