Charles (my roommate) and Jonathan (my bf) had a joint bday party. yay!
Here's the cakes I made. Charles' cake was french vanilla.
Jon's was carrot cake. mmm P:
err.. lots of people
Jonathan and Nick (coworker)
Lol Charles
Nate's head O_O
Playing Rockband
Okay shots!
Sheri has her own method of drinking wine.
Okay! Doublefisting!
Jake's feeling the tequila.
Jake doing some drunken shirtless slap dancing:
Playing Drunken Darts. You can totally tell I'm getting wasted from this video. I like how I have a delayed reaction to everything.
Lol. They spilled some of their shot on the table so they lick it off the table. Hey, we told them not to waste alcohol!
The thing that killed Jake: (let's just say he wasn't dancing anymore, or standing for that matter..)
Late night/early morning poker. You guys go ahead.. I'm going to bed.

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