Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Crafter Extraordinaire!

I've been busily crafting more items for my little store. Sadly, I've only made 4 hairclips, but they're really nice hairclips :D.. heh.. I took pictures of me modeling the clips and put them up for sale now. I should be crafting some more but I didn't blog yesterday so I'm taking the time now :).

I also walked the dog again, but this time I walked up the street to a different park. On mapquest it was huuuge. I haven't explored all of the park. I'll save the extensive exploration for another day.

As you can see, It was a lot of grass..

A lot, A lot... looooots of grass.. too much grass.. but then it became clear why it was so much grass when 4 teams of little kids in soccer clothes came to the park. hm.

I took some pics of the dog this time too :P. What a cutie. <3

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