Saturday, January 26, 2008

Recipe: Delicious Pasta

It's one of those days where I'm running out of food and have to make a meal out of nothing. Yea, I know the name is gay but I couldn't think of anything else to describe it. If you think of a better name, let me know :P. Sorry, no picture for this post (gah! what in the world?!!) Yea.. I didn't take a picture of it, but I just had to share this recipe with you :). It's cheap, fast and very, you guessed it..delicious!

Recipe: Delicious Pasta
1 box of pasta noodles (I used vermicelli, it's a thinner noodle than spaghetti)
1 block o' butter/margarine (I know it's a lot, but I used a whole box of pasta!)
4-5 cloves Garlic, minced
5 T. Extra Virgin Olive Oil
2 T. Basil
Shredded Cheese (I used an Italian blend, about 3 handfuls of it)
Your choice of meat product. The best thing for this meal would be shrimp, but I used 1 can of tuna. It's cheap :P. But you could use chicken, I suppose.
Salt and pepper to taste
*note: I guesstimated the T. as close as I could.

Cook your pasta noodles. (directions on box.)
In a big pot, melt the butter and add the oil on med. heat. Add minced garlic and let it sweat (it means don't burn the garlic please). At this point, add you meat product and let it cook until done, should be a few minutes. (If you're cooking chicken, cook it on a foreman grill or something separately to speed up the process and then add it to this mix to soak up the flavors P:) Bring down the heat to low. Add salt and pepper to taste and the basil. Now, put in the noodles! Mix it all together real good! I used tongs to get a better mix on it. I found it necessary to add more oil so that it would mix better. Then, sprinkle your cheese on top, mixing it gently as you go. After 3 handfuls, you're done! voile! Delicious pasta. mmmm... P:

Next time I make this, I'm going to try it with a little lemon in it. :D

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